Saturday, February 16, 2013

More Extreme Adventure in Ministry!

We thought we'd better write an update since we are about to get really busy from now through Easter! We have a team arriving today, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer from Michigan. Please pray for smooth and safe travel today as we are transporting them back to the base by water taxi (along with some of the supplies for the house they will be building in Gales Point). We are hoping the water taxi makes it close to shore at the mission. In the past it has had to park a couple hundred feet off shore (picture team members carrying luggage over their heads through waves!). The youth of the team will be painting a house and doing a children's program in the afternoons. Please pray for safety through the construction and painting (much of which happens on ladders).

Some other visitors we are expecting over the next two months are two separate couples and an individual. The first couple is sponsoring a youth retreat for about a dozen of the young men of the village. At least half of them have already committed their lives to Christ. We are praying for the others to do the same! The second couple is being called into missions and is hoping God will use their visit to give them direction about next steps in their journey. The individual is a return short-term missionary. He is dedicating a couple weeks to serve in the village and at the mission. We are looking forward to making these new friends and serving alongside of them!

Then we have family coming to visit! Beginning with Mark's parents, overlapping with Sarah's parents, and ending with an Olson Family team who will also be building a house!!! We feel so blessed as we anticipate the stretch of weeks ahead of us.

If all of this sounds adventurous and inspiring, please consider joining us in a couple different ways... We'd love to have more visitors and teams! April and May are pretty open and also the fall. Don't worry about the expense or fundraising it might take to get you here... God WILL make it happen!! And on that note, we are still about $350 short each month in meeting our budget. God has totally taken care of us with one-time donors in January and February! We know he will continue to provide for our needs. He ALWAYS does!

We are so grateful for all of our supporters! We feel your prayers and appreciate the love and care you send our way. You are making all this ministry possible!

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