Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Preparations Continue

We were blessed to spend the past week-and-a-half with family, spending a week on the beautiful Oregon coast and some extra days with the Bradbury clan. This was out last hurrah with family before our departure to Belize.

We have begun the fundraising process and are pleased to have one-third of our monthly budget raised so far. This amount was raised prior to us even sending out donation information. We have been so excited to see people stepping up to partner in our ministry. 

Our search for a vehicle to take to Belize has been unproductive so far. We found a van we were interested in, but when we went to see it we learned it was at the shop waiting for a part, so we were unable to test drive it. A week later, they still didn’t have the part. We continue to look at all options; a passenger van, a 4x4 SUV, etc. We have been praying that the Lord would provide us the right vehicle to take. Hoping his provision comes soon.

Yesterday we received Avi’s passport in the mail. One more thing we can cross off our lengthy to-do list. We still need doctor and dentist appointments before we go. We need to find a good tax guru to do next year’s taxes, preferably someone with experience with missionaries and adoptions. (We would love to hear any recommendations.) We need to sell our house. As of today, we have a buyer who is intending to accept the bank’s bottom line selling price. It’s looking good!  We also have shopping list of things we will not be able to purchase in Belize. I am looking for a five gallon bucket of Off Deep Woods, but apparently they don’t sell it like that. And the list continues. Moving to a foreign country sure was a lot easier when I (Mark) was 18 and single.

Another great need we have is for someone to adopt our two cats, Eowyn and Charlie. They are strictly indoor cats, as they are declawed in the front. We want to see them kept together. Eowyn is the stoic elder and Charlie the lover. Eowyn is very autonomous, but gets in bed to cuddle for a bit each night. Charlie is much more social and has a purr that sounds like a diesel engine. Both are great cats, and we will hate to say goodbye, but taking them to Belize is not practical.

Anticipation continues to build for our departure. Despite the many preparations we have yet to complete, things continue to fall in place. We thank you for taking the time to read about our ministry adventure. If you have not yet done so, please check out our website at